1. Domain Experts

Our team is multifaceted in expertise, comprised of architecture and design, MEP integration, onsite construction, project management, and BIM technologies.

2. 200+ Projects

Through implementing over 200 projects of vastly different types, our team has gained valuable experience and top-in-class capabilities.

3. Solid Project Management

We get insight into the nature of a project and use technologies to integrate different resources and information for simultaneous collaboration effectively.

4. Solution Oriented

With an excellent command of smart site technology, we deliver tailored solutions for our strategic partners using BIM technologies throughout the construction process.

We recruit top talent in the fields of architectural design, MEP integration, onsite construction, project management, and BIM technology and are able to provide the most appropriate BIM services for our customers throughout the whole process: model building, a review of collisions, 2D draftings and drawings, and applying BIM in construction projects. We also provide BIM consultation services.
We are equipped with extensive experience in applying BIM in a range of mega projects from medical facilities, industrial facilities and office, mixed-use facilities (office/commercial/residential), sports centers, to transportation infrastructures. We help implement a project throughout all phases, from planning, design, construction, and to operations and maintenance.
We have successfully collaborated with architecture and electrical engineering firms, construction plants, and a wide variety of contractors over the years. We leverage cloud collaboration platforms to simultaneously integrate different types of information throughout the phases of BIM and achieve optimal efficiency. Alongside this, we have great abilities to coordinate BIM file formats and are in good command of AR, VR, and point cloud technologies to provide high-quality integrated BIM services that are featured with the timeliness and completeness of information in BIM.
In response to the evolving and more complex needs of intelligent management for smart buildings, factories, and hospitals, FLOW Inc. uses its digital comms technologies and deep insight into the architecture and construction industry while leveraging AR/VR technologies for an optimal AI and IoT integration. In so doing, we strategically cooperate with our ICT partners to provide well-informed advice and BIM-Based smart site solutions that accommodate the different needs of various buildings.
A Professional BIM Services Team

Our team is multifaceted in expertise, comprised of architecture and design, MEP integration, onsite construction, project management, and BIM technologies.

We recruit top talent in the fields of architectural design, MEP integration, onsite construction, project management, and BIM technology and are able to provide the most appropriate BIM services for our customers throughout the whole process: model building, a review of collisions, 2D drafting and drawing, and applying BIM in construction projects. We also provide BIM consultation services.
Extensive Experience in Project Execution

Through implementing over 150 projects of vastly different types, our team has gained valuable experience and top-in-class capabilities.

We are equipped with extensive experience in applying BIM in a range of mega projects from medical facilities, industrial facilities and office, mixed-use facilities (office/ commercial/ residential), sports centers, to transportation infrastructures. We help implement a project throughout all phases, from planning, design, construction, and to operations and maintenance.
Strong Project Management Skills

We get insight into the nature of a project and use technologies to integrate different resources and information for simultaneous collaboration effectively.

We have successfully collaborated with architecture and electrical engineering firms, construction plants, and a wide variety of contractors over the years. We leverage cloud collaboration platforms to simultaneously integrate different types of information throughout the phases of BIM and achieve optimal efficiency. Alongside this, we have great abilities to coordinate BIM file formats and are in good command of AR, VR, and point cloud technologies to provide high-quality integrated BIM services that are featured with the timeliness and completeness of information in BIM.
BIM-based Smart Site Solutions

With an excellent command of smart site technology, we deliver tailored solutions for our strategic partners using BIM technologies throughout the construction process.

In response to the evolving and more complex needs of intelligent management for smart buildings, factories, and hospitals, FLOW Inc. uses its digital comms technologies and deep insight into the architecture and construction industry while leveraging AR/VR technologies for an optimal AI and IoT integration. In so doing, we strategically cooperate with our ICT partners to provide well-informed advice and BIM-based smart site solutions that accommodate the different needs of various buildings.
Gamma AR 商務拓展經理 Angel Palacar Martín 與若水BIM事業部陳雅信總監合照

若水 BIM⁺ 團隊與 Gamma AR 的對話:BIM 結合 AR 技術,提升建築專案管理效率

今年八月,若水很榮幸與盧森堡科技新創公司 Gamma AR 有一場豐富深刻的對談。若水 BIM⁺ (BIM Plus)團隊長期專注 BIM 建築資訊模型的技術深化,引進和應用最新資通訊技術,如 AI、AR、VR 和 Scan-to-BIM 等工具。透過此次與 Gamma AR 的交流,若水看見全球市場趨勢,也學習各地建築產業將 AR 技術落地的經驗,持續為客戶帶來競爭優勢,打造有深度、有廣度的 BIM⁺ 團隊。

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因應數位時代的來臨和日益嚴峻的全球挑戰,如氣候變化、物料和人力短缺,想在激烈的市場競爭立於不敗之地,或不被時代淘汰,數位轉型 DX成為了業界必然的課題。



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智慧商辦 抓住AI和ESG成長商機就靠BIM

全球智慧商辧市場正在成長中。根據Grand View Research報告,到2025年,全球智慧商辦市場的規模將達到57億美元。台灣也不例外。新聞報導,2022年因為物價飛漲,市場有避險需求,具高租金、高收益及穩定性的商辦產品,出現補漲態勢,首季辦公服務類建照核定總樓地板面積較前年同期暴增3倍以上,更創近五年同期新高。

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